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UxsojOAJbXhVNmmcblk0p2 - logo image. During model choose dialog creation, it looks like some value in the mcu is queried, and checked to be between 1 and 9999( otherwise model choose aborts). Car model( default ' Normal')Two or three digits. The two first digits are translated to the list below. Board © 2016   IPS, Inc. UxsojOAJbXhVNmmcblk0p2 - logo image. During model choose dialog creation, it looks like some value in the mcu is queried, and checked to be between 1 and 9999( otherwise model choose aborts). Car model( default ' Normal')Two or three digits. The two first digits are translated to the list below. Board © 2016   IPS, Inc. Board © 2016   IPS, Inc. UxsojOAJbXhVNmmcblk0p2 - logo image. During model choose dialog creation, it looks like some value in the mcu is queried, and checked to be between 1 and 9999( otherwise model choose aborts). Car model( default ' Normal')Two or three digits. The two first digits are translated to the list below. Board © 2016   IPS, Inc. UxsojOAJbXhVNmmcblk0p2 - logo image.

Car model( default ' Normal')Two or three digits. The two first digits are translated to the list below. Board © 2016   IPS, Inc. UxsojOAJbXhVNmmcblk0p2 - logo image. During model choose dialog creation, it looks like some value in the mcu is queried, and checked to be between 1 and 9999( otherwise model choose aborts).